Muser was at LabAsia 2023!
On the 10th to 12th of October 2023, Muser participated in the international exhibition, LabAsia 2023, which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. We were located at Booth C6 in Hall 4.
Muser’s Product Specialists, Wendy Yap, Ethan Wong and Jaclynn Choong, along with Sr. Sales & Marketing Executive, Iman Junid, were on duty attending the booth over these three days. With their efforts and product knowledge in attending visitors’ inquiries at Muser’s booth during the exhibition, we were able to generate over 300 new inquiries and customer prospects!

Rigorous preparation for months in advance was made to ensure that our booth operates smoothly during the exhibition led by our Sr. Sales & Marketing Executive, Iman Junid.
Special appreciation to our staffs, Tasha, who ensured our marketing materials were sufficiently packed for distribution during the exhibition, and also to Mustaqim, who helped a lot in ensuring all instruments and materials were delivered safely to our booth.